In this blog, we will understand what a payment success page is and how to create it. We will also list the best payment success page design examples. So, let’s read on! 

What is the Payment Success Page?

A payment success page is a webpage that a customer is directed to after completing the transaction and buying a product or service. 

Now, the payment success page design is a whole new ballgame altogether. A payment success page has to be optimized to further encourage the customer to buy more products (upsell or cross-sell). Moreover, it needs to be created to provide the best customer experience and increase customer trust. 

The latest reports state that there are around 12-24 million eCommerce websites1 across the world. What’s more, new sites are being built every day. This translates into a huge requirement for payment success pages- at least 12-24 million of them! However, there aren’t any blogs that explain how to create a payment success page. Moreover, the existing examples do not come with best practices.

Naturally, we have taken matters into our own hands.

So, in this blog, we will understand the constituents of a winning payment success page template. Furthermore, we will be covering how you can create the optimal payment successful page design for your website/app. 

Payment Success Page Design Example and Best Practices

NASDAQ has predicted that 95% of all purchases2 will be through eCommerce by 2040. This means that eCommerce players have to ensure that every stage of their buyer’s journey is optimized for conversions. Needless to say, the payment success page is an integral part of that journey. 

So, let’s jump right into the best examples for payment success page design without further adieu! 


Did you know that 55% of millennials3 first refer to Amazon for shopping needs? This makes the global conglomerate one of your biggest competitors. 

Interestingly,  89% of all customers4 are more likely to buy products from Amazon than any other website. And maybe- it’s for good reason. After all, Amazon’s shopping experience is seamless and their customer solutions are unmatched. But today, we will focus on its payment success page. 

Payment Success Page

Optimal Content and Whitespace

For starters, their payment success page features all the necessary details without seeming crowded. The success page clearly mentions the payment confirmation, the address of the recipient, and the delivery date.

Clear CTAs

Personalized CTAs are shown to convert 42% more visitors5. Amazon uses this to their advantage by including a ‘review your recent orders’ option. This helps customers keep their orders in check while encouraging them to repeat orders. Next, they use the optimal white space and colours to highlight their CTAs. For instance, they pitch their Amazon Assistant product with a yellow CTA. This is a best practice as reducing clutter around CTA can increase the conversion rate by 232%.

Cross-Selling Products

The latest stats by Mckinsey revealed that cross-selling can increase profits by 30%6. Amazon shows the products last viewed by customers along with their updated prices in the right corner. They encourage the customers as impulse purchases represent 40% of total spending on eCommerce7


Myntra has one of the most minimalistic payment success pages out there. However, it does the job. Let’s have a look at what we can learn from this one.

Successful payment

Security Batch

17% of cart abandonment cases8 are because of a lack of customer trust in payment options. Myntra reminds the customers that their payments are 100% secure right from checkout to payment confirmation. 

They include a ‘100% secure’ batch to this effect. Moreover, they use the colour green for this batch as we tend to associate green with quality9

Progress Bar

Myntra also includes a progress bar on its payment success page. This helps inform the customer about the steps they have completed to make this purchase. A clean UI can help increase conversion rates by 200%10 and Myntra leverages it for an optimized payment successful page.


Next up, we have an online grocery delivery service called Grofers. Their payment success page template is commendable and here’s why.

Payment Success Page

Reiterating the Brand’s USP

Grofer’s USP is that they help customers get groceries at home at the lowest rates. They reiterate this USP through various elements on their payment success page. For instance, they highlight the amount saved by the customers due to their discounted rates. Moreover, they use the colour red for evoking excitement in the customers regarding their savings.


Just like Amazon, H&M uses optimal content for their payment success page. But here is what sets it apart. 

Payment Success Page

Return Policy

92% of customers11 are comfortable with repeat purchases if the return policy is easy. H&M leverage this trend by creating a customer-friendly return policy. Moreover, they highlight this policy on their payment successful page design for a better customer experience. It keeps the customer informed and saves them the hassle of calling support for information on the return policy. 

Leveraging Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is becoming one of the highest revenue generators for many fashion labels. In fact, 80% of all consumers12 have purchased a product based on an Influencer’s recommendation. 

H&M utilizes influencer marketing by directing people to their Magazine. This magazine includes the latest fashion trends and editor’s picks which encourages customers to buy more. Labels like Nykka have coined an ‘Explore’ feature to this end as well. 


Payment Success Page

Customer Feedback 

Gartner recently published a report stating that 89% of businesses13 are expected to compete based on customer service. However, getting customer feedback can be quite a challenge. Chumbak tries to get immediate customer feedback on their payment success page. This helps them optimize their touchpoints to provide a better customer experience.  

Now that we have covered some of the best examples of payment success page design, let’s move on to the next best thing.

How To Create a Payment Success Page?

As a merchant, you can use two kinds of payment success pages:

  1. Payment Gateway Provided
  2. Custom Created Success Pages

But before we uncover that in detail, let’s have a look at online payment processing.

  1. The customer selects the desired product and heads to the checkout page. Thereafter, the payment gateway encrypts/tokenizes the payment details. It performs a fraud check and forwards the details to the acquiring bank
  2. The acquirer sends the information to the card networks who in turn sends it to the Issuer. Then the acceptance/denial of payment follows this path: Issuer>Card Networks>Acquirers>Payment Gateway (Click Here for Card Issuance for Fintechs & Other Platforms)
  3. The payment gateway informs the customer about the acceptance/denial of the payment
  4. Now, the payment response is shown on the Payment Success Page. This page can be created by the merchant or the payment gateway itself

Payment Gateway vs Custom Created Payment Success Page

In most cases, the merchant redirects the user to a custom success page on their website. More often than not, payment gateway success pages are rather basic. On the other hand, custom success pages offer merchants the choice to design according to their needs.

If a merchant desire to redirect the customer to a custom payment success page, they can follow the following steps –

1. Every customer has a unique Order Id which is associated with their order amount. The merchant must send the customer’s order ID and amount. In turn, the PG sends the payment status

2. The merchant also needs to send an authentication confirmation to PG. This is basically to establish the authenticity of the merchant. For this, the PG will use a signature field for the authentication

3. Apart from this, the merchant needs to send some other parameters for PG to process the payment. One of those parameters is the return URL. This is basically the URL to which the customer is redirected after the payment. In other words, the payment success page

4. Then, the merchant needs to generate the signature and submit the checkout form

Factors Affecting Payment Success 

A payment success page can only come in handy if the payment is, indeed, a success. 

Now, there are a lot of factors affecting payment success. Let’s have a look at the major ones. 

Checkout Flow

The checkout flow can be a major influence on customer behaviour. If done right, it can help reduce cart abandonment issues and boost sales. Here are some checkout options that merchants usually for:

  1. Hosted Checkout Page: The customer is redirected to the payment gateway’s page for the payment. They complete the payment and are redirected to the merchant’s website.
  2. Self-Hosted Checkout Page: The customer stays on the page hosted by the merchant and adds their payment details. The merchant is entrusted with the communication of the payment details safely to the payment gateway. Moreover, the merchant has to be PCI-DSS compliant for the same. 
  3. UPI Intent: First, the customer selects the preferred UPI app as a payment option. The payment gateway requests money on that app. Thereafter, the customer manually opens the app and completes the payment. 
  4. Seamless UPI: Here, the customer selects the preferred UPI payment app. However, in this scenario, the app opens automatically with the required payment details. The customer just has to enter the UPI PIN to complete the payment. 

Now, different checkout flows may suit different merchants and their product/industry needs. A merchant must select the payment flow that increases their chances of conversions. 

Payment Infrastructure

Choosing the right payment gateway is imminent to a high payment success rate. A payment gateway decides the payment modes and options you offer to your customers. Moreover, their routing systems and innovative payment solutions are central to payment success. While looking for a payment gateway, try to factor these points into your consideration:

  1. Payment Modes and options offered
  2. International payment support
  3. Standard/Instant settlement cycles
  4. Easy reconciliation process
  5. Onboarding system
  6. Reliable customer support
  7. Payment gateway charges
  8. Security
  9. Payment analytics
  10. Scalability
  11. Easy integration
  12. High transaction success rates
  13. Merchant account
  14. Mobile payment integration
  15. Dynamic Routing Capabilities

Industry Segments

Heard of the popular phrase that goes “Don’t compare apples to oranges”? Well, it rings true here. 

Different industries are bound to have different success rates. For instance, a customer buying an eCommerce product may have a shorter buyer journey. In fact, they might even engage in impulse buying decisions. 

On the other hand, an insurance policy aggregator might have a higher drop-off rate. This is because insurance is a long-term financial commitment. Customers might revisit the site. Weigh their options and then buy the product.

Pro Tip: Want to know how to calculate your transaction success rate? Check out this blog on optimizing transaction success rate

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