Payment Gateway End Points

EnvironmentBase URL
Latest versionv4, 2023-08-01
The previous versions were 2021-05-21, 2022-01-01, 2022-09-01


All the APIs require authentication, except the /orders/sessions API, which does not require any authentication and can be safely done from the browser as well.

Click here for detailed information on API Authentication for Merchants and Partners.

Payment Gateway APIs


Create OrderUse this API to create orders with Cashfree from your backend and get the payment link.
Order PayUse this API when you have already created the orders and want Cashfree Payments to process the payment.
PreauthorizationUse this API to capture or void a preauthorized payment.
Get OrderUse this API to view all details of an order.


Submit or Resend OTPUse the submit or resend OTP API to send OTP to Cashfree.


Get Payments for an OrderUse this API to view all payment details for an order.
Get Payment by IDUse this API to view payment details of an order for a payment ID.


Get Settlements by Order IDUse this API to view all the settlements of a particular order.
Get All SettlementsUse this API to get all settlement details by specifying the settlement ID, settlement UTR or date range.
Create Payment LinkUse this API to create a new payment link. The created payment link url will be available in the API response parameter link_url.
Fetch Payment Link DetailsUse this API to view all details and status of a payment link.
Get Orders for a Payment LinkUse this API to view all order details for a payment link.
Cancel Payment LinkUse this API to cancel a payment link. No further payments can be done against a cancelled link. Only a link in ACTIVE status can be cancelled.

Token Vault

Fetch All Saved InstrumentsUse this API to get all saved instruments for a customer ID.
Fetch Single Saved InstrumentUse this API to get specific saved instrument for a customer id and instrument ID.
Delete Saved InstrumentUse this API to delete a saved instrument for a customer id and instrument ID.
Fetch Cryptogram for Saved InstrumentUse this API to get the card network token, token expiry and cryptogram for a saved instrument using instrument ID.


Settlement ReconciliationUse this API to get settlement reconciliation details using Settlement ID, settlement UTR or date range.
PG ReconciliationUse this API to get the payment gateway reconciliation details with date range.

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