Generic OCR
Generic OCR to validate and extract all the relevant fields from a document.
Client ID. You can find your ID in the Merchant Dashboard.
Client secret key. You can find your secret key in the Merchant Dashboard.
Send the signature if IP is not whitelisted
API version to be used. Format is in YYYY-MM-DD
Request parameters for Generic OCR.
Tag depicts the document type of the file being shared in the request. Allowed values are PAN or AADHAAR.
Image of the document. Allowed file types: JPEG, JPG, or PNG. The maximum file size is 5 MB.
It is the unique ID you create to identify the verification request. The maximum character limit is 50. Only alphaumeric, period (.), hyphen (-), and underscore ( _ ) are allowed.
Success response for retrieving the list of information associated with the mobile number.
Structure with all the relevant fields in the input image.
The field will show the document_type shared or predicted if it is not shared in the request.
It displays the personal information of the mobile number holder.
Contains all the quality checks the product performs on the given input image.
It displays the unique ID created by Cashfree Payments for reference purposes.
It is the unique ID shared by the merchant for each request.
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