Account FAQs
Once an account has been successfully created, based on the agreed settlement cycle the amount is processed. However, the settlements may be put on hold for reasons such as below:
Penny Test: To ensure that the settlement amount is going to the correct bank account, we do a penny test - where we transfer a nominal amount of Rs. 1 to your account. On receiving the amount you need to confirm the same by replying to the ‘Bank account confirmation or Penny test confirmation’ email.
Website/app policy pages: Please ensure all the prerequisite policy pages are updated on the website/app.
Pending documents: Make sure that you have updated all the required documents. In some instances, some other documents or details may be required. Your Account Manager will share the details. If you have already taken the above actions and yet the settlements are showing on hold, please contact your Account Manager for the fastest resolution.
On Cashfree, when you create an account, by default you become the account owner. You can then add aliases/users and define their roles. Each role will have some specific rights granted by default. You can add any number of users to your account. You can further manage the rights granted. Refer to this blog to know more about multi user management.
You can access the Dashboard in test mode for as long as you like. However, to start collecting payments from customers or send money, you need to get your account activated by submitting the required documents
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