Cashfree Checkout - iOS
Accept Payments Online by using Cashfree hosted Payment page - CheckoutOne
This integration uses Create Order Backend API and iOS
SDK to open CheckoutOne
1. Setup
Select the environment and fill the API Keys (App ID and Secret Key) to get started. Read Docs
Click here to try with sample App ID and Secret Key
2. Initialize SDK
Initialize Cashfree iOS SDK as below. Read Docs
3. Create Order
To process any payment on Cashfree PG, the merchant needs to
create an order in the cashfree system.
Use Payment Session ID from the generated response to render the
checkout page.
Read Docs
Response of the API will appear here.
Set environment, your app id and your secret
5. Get Payments for an Order
Once payment is attempted, SDK will trigger callback to verifyPayment
Use the below API to fetch status of all transactions for
an order, analyse the API Response and show the final payment
status to your customer.
Read Docs
Response of the API will appear here.
Set environment, your app id and your secret
Transaction Failure
Payment Status will appear here once the API is triggered
NOTE : Notify Url must be checked while
Creating order (Step 3) to experience webhooks.
Want to explore more on webhooks ? Visit the official Cashfree
documentation using the following link.
Read Docs
Click the button below to experience webhooks