What are the different dispute states?


In Cashfree Payments, Disputes can be in the following states:

  • Action Required : This indicates that the dispute is created and action needs to be taken from your end. If the evidence submitted by you is found insufficient the disputes will be visible under the Action Required section.
  • Under Review : This indicates that you have submitted the documents and Cashfree Payments has forwarded your documents to the concerned authorities
  • Closed (Merchant Won) : This indicates that the authorities/customer accepts the documents and you win the dispute.
  • Closed (Merchant Lost) : This status indicates that the proofs submitted are rejected by the concerned authorities/customer and you have lost the dispute.
  • Closed (Merchant Accepted) : This status indicates you have accepted the dispute raised by your customer.

Note: A Pre-arbitration or an Arbitration can be raised even for a Chargeback (First-level) that is Closed as Merchant Won.

Read more on the various dispute states here.

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