Manage a subscription.
Use this API to manage subscriptions. You can cancel, pause, activate, or change the plan associated with a subscription. To update the recurring amount for a periodic subscription, create a new plan with the revised amount, and then use the Manage Subscription API to associate the subscription with the new plan. Include the CHANGE_PLAN action and the new plan ID in the request body.
Note: Customers will not be notified about the restructuring. The charge amount cannot exceed the maximum amount defined in the original plan.
Client app ID. You can find your app id in the Merchant Dashboard.
Client secret key. You can find your secret in the Merchant Dashboard.
API version to be used. Format is in YYYY-MM-DD
Request id for the API call. Can be used to resolve tech issues. Communicate this in your tech related queries to cashfree
An idempotency key is a unique identifier you include with your API call. If the request fails or times out, you can safely retry it using the same key to avoid duplicate actions.
Path Parameters
Provide the SubscriptionId using which the subscription was created.
Request body to manage a subscription.
Action to be performed on the subscription. Possible values - CANCEL, PAUSE, ACTIVATE, CHANGE_PLAN.
The unique ID which was used to create subscription.
Details of the action to be performed.
The response returned for Get, Create or Manage Subscription APIs.
Details of the authorization done for the subscription. Returned in Get subscription and auth payments.
Cashfree subscription reference number
Subscription customer details.
The response returned for Get, Create and Manage Plan APIs
Time at which the subscription will expire.
Time at which the first charge will be made for the subscription. Applicable only for PERIODIC plans.
A unique ID passed by merchant for identifying the subscription.
Subscription metadata.
Payment splits for the subscription.
Subscription Session Id.
Status of the subscription.
Tags for the subscription.
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