Webhooks are event-based notifications that are received when a specific event related to the KYC verification occurs.

Add Webhooks

Add your webhook URL in our system for us to deliver webhook events.

Follow the instructions below to configure the webhook URL. Ensure to provide the publicly accessible HTTPS URL to your webhook endpoint.

  1. Once you login to the dashboard with the credentials, click Developers.
  2. Click Webhooks listed under the Verification Suite card.
  3. Click Add Webhook URL in the Developers - Verification Suite screen.
  4. In the Add Webhook popup, fill in the following information:
    • Webhook URL - Enter the URL in this field.
  5. Click Test & Add Webhook.

Add Webhook

Webhook events

KYC_LINK_ACTION_PERFORMEDYou will receive this event when one of the verifications is performed using the link.
KYC_LINK_SUCCESSYou will receive this event when all the verifications are performed successfully.
KYC_LINK_EXPIREDYou will receive this event when the link expires.

Note: Verifying the signature is mandatory before processing any response. Refer to Signature Verification for more details.