Mobile 360 Verify OTP
Use this API to extract multiple identity types from mobile number.
Client ID. You can find your ID in the Merchant Dashboard.
Client secret key. You can find your secret key in the Merchant Dashboard.
Send the signature if IP is not whitelisted
Find the request parameters for Mobile 360 Verify OTP
OTP entered by the user.
It is the unique ID you create to identify the verification request. The maximum character limit is 50. Only alphaumeric, period (.), hyphen (-), and underscore ( _ ) are allowed.
Schema for the response of Mobile360 Validate OTP API.
List of Aadhaar numbers associated with the individual.
List of addresses associated with the individual.
List of driving license numbers associated with the individual.
List of email addresses associated with the individual.
List of PAN numbers associated with the individual.
List of passport numbers associated with the individual.
Personal information of the individual.
List of phone numbers associated with the individual.
List of ration card numbers associated with the individual.
Unique reference ID for the transaction.
It displays the status of the API request. Possible values are
: Data has been successfully fetched using the provided mobile number.INVALID
: No data could be retrieved for the given mobile number.
Unique ID of the verification request.
List of voter ID numbers associated with the individual.
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