Raise a charge or create an auth.
Use this API to create an auth or to raise a charge.
Client app ID. You can find your app id in the Merchant Dashboard.
Client secret key. You can find your secret in the Merchant Dashboard.
API version to be used. Format is in YYYY-MM-DD
Request id for the API call. Can be used to resolve tech issues. Communicate this in your tech related queries to cashfree
An idempotency key is a unique identifier you include with your API call. If the request fails or times out, you can safely retry it using the same key to avoid duplicate actions.
The request to be passed for the create subscription payment API.
A unique ID passed by merchant for identifying the subscription payment.
Payment type. Can be AUTH or CHARGE.
A unique ID passed by merchant for identifying the subscription.
The charge amount of the payment. Required in case of charge.
Payment method. Can be one of ["upi", "enach", "pnach", "card"]
Payment remarks.
The date on which the payment is scheduled to be processed. Required for UPI and CARD payment modes.
Session ID for the subscription. Required only for Auth.
The response returned is Create Subscription Auth or Charge APIs.
Cashfree subscription payment reference number
Contains a payload for auth app links in case of AUTH. For charge, the payload is empty.
The charge amount of the payment.
A unique ID passed by merchant for identifying the transaction.
The date on which the payment was initiated.
Payment method used for the authorization.
Status of the payment.
Payment type. Can be AUTH or CHARGE.
A unique ID passed by merchant for identifying the subscription.