Create a plan.
A plan allows your customer to identify the features you offer along with your pricing. You can create plans as per the pricing you support for your services. For each plan, you can set a pre-decided frequency and amount with which they’ll be charged. Example: Netflix Plans - Premium, Basic, Standard, Mobile. Each plan differs and caters for a particular set of audiences.
Client app ID. You can find your app id in the Merchant Dashboard.
Client secret key. You can find your secret in the Merchant Dashboard.
API version to be used. Format is in YYYY-MM-DD
Request id for the API call. Can be used to resolve tech issues. Communicate this in your tech related queries to cashfree
An idempotency key is a unique identifier you include with your API call. If the request fails or times out, you can safely retry it using the same key to avoid duplicate actions.
Request body to create a plan.
Unique ID to identify the plan. Only alpha-numerics, dot, hyphen and underscore allowed.
1 - 40
Maximum amount for the plan.
Name of the plan.
1 - 40
Type of the plan. Possible values - PERIODIC, ON_DEMAND.
Currency of the plan.
Interval type for the plan. Possible values - DAY, WEEK, MONTH, YEAR.
Number of billing cycles between charges. For instance, if set to 2 and the interval type is 'week', the service will be billed every 2 weeks. Similarly, if set to 3 and the interval type is 'month', the service will be billed every 3 months. Required for PERIODIC plan_type.
Maximum number of payment cycles for the plan.
Note for the plan.
Recurring amount for the plan. Required for PERIODIC plan_type.
The response returned for Get, Create and Manage Plan APIs
Currency for the plan.
Plan ID provided by merchant.
Interval type for the plan.
Number of intervals for the plan.
Maximum amount for the plan.
Maximum number of payment cycles for the plan.
Name of the plan.
Note for the plan.
Recurring amount for the plan.
Status of the plan.
Type of the plan.
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