Webhooks are server callbacks to your server from Cashfree Payments. Webhooks are event-based and are sent when specific events related to the transaction happen.

Cashfree Payments sends the following webhooks for softPOS:

Payment Success Webhook Version: (2022-09-01)

The new payment success webhook notifies you about the payment, and gives you comprehensive information about successful payments. A notification is sent to your backend from Cashfree Payments when payments are successful. These notifications are useful in cases when the internet connection is unstable or slow while the payment is being processed. This will allow you to reconcile all the successful orders at your end. Notifications will be sent to notifyUrl which is a part of the request parameter specified while creating an order request as well as endpoints configured on the merchant dashboard.

Sample Payload

  "data": {
        "order": {
            "order_id": "order_OFR_2",
            "order_amount": 2,
            "order_currency": "INR",
            "order_tags": null
        "payment": {
            "cf_payment_id": 1453002795,
            "payment_status": "SUCCESS",
            "payment_amount": 1,
            "payment_currency": "INR",
            "payment_message": "00::Transaction success",
            "payment_time": "2022-12-15T12:20:29+05:30",
            "bank_reference": "234928698581",
            "auth_id": null,
            "payment_method": {
                "upi": {
                    "channel": null,
                    "upi_id": "9611199227@paytm"
            "payment_group": "upi"
        "customer_details": {
            "customer_name": null,
            "customer_id": "7112AAA812234",
            "customer_email": "[miglaniyogesh7@gmail.com]()",
            "customer_phone": "9908734801"
        "payment_gateway_details": {
            "gateway_name": "CASHFREE",
            "gateway_order_id": "1580762800",
            "gateway_payment_id": "1453002795",
            "gateway_status_code": null
        "payment_offers": [  
                "offer_id": "0f05e1d0-fbf8-4c9c-a1f0-814c7b2abdba",  
                "offer_type": "DISCOUNT",  
                "offer_meta": {  
                    "offer_title": "50% off on UPI",  
                    "offer_description": "50% off for testing",  
                    "offer_code": "UPI50",  
                    "offer_start_time": "2022-11-09T06:23:25.972Z",  
                    "offer_end_time": "2023-02-27T18:30:00Z"  
                "offer_redemption": {  
                    "redemption_status": "SUCCESS",  
                    "discount_amount": 1,  
                    "cashback_amount": 0  
        "terminal_details": {
        "cf_terminal_id": 989876,
        "terminal_phone": "9773769999"
    "event_time": "2023-01-03T11:16:10+05:30",

Payment Failed Webhook Version: (2022-09-01)

The payment failed webhook notifies you when transactions fail and we receive a failed response from the bank.

    "data": {
    "order": {
        "order_id": "CFPay_g47u3888d0k0_tblfm766qc",
        "order_amount": 1.8,
        "order_currency": "INR",
        "order_tags": {
            "cf_link_id": "13746255"
    "payment": {
        "cf_payment_id": 1504280029,
        "payment_status": "FAILED",
        "payment_amount": 1.8,
        "payment_currency": "INR",
        "payment_message": "AMOUNT SHOULD BE WITHIN RANGE BETWEEN 20.00 TO 500000.00.",
        "payment_time": "2023-01-06T20:00:11+05:30",
        "bank_reference": "NA",
        "auth_id": "null",
        "payment_method": {
            "netbanking": {
                "channel": null,
                "netbanking_bank_code": "3054",
                "netbanking_bank_name": "UCO Bank"
        "payment_group": "net_banking"
    "customer_details": {
        "customer_name": null,
        "customer_id": null,
        "customer_email": null,
        "customer_phone": "9611199227"
    "error_details": {
        "error_code": "GATEWAY_ERROR",
        "error_description": "AMOUNT SHOULD BE WITHIN RANGE BETWEEN 20.00 TO 500000.00. for this bank",
        "error_reason": "invalid_amount",
        "error_source": "cashfree"
    "payment_gateway_details": {
        "gateway_name": "CASHFREE",
        "gateway_order_id": "1634766330",
        "gateway_payment_id": "1504280029",
        "gateway_status_code": null
    "payment_offers": null,
    "terminal_details": {
        "cf_terminal_id": 989876,
        "terminal_phone": "9773769999"
"event_time": "2023-01-06T20:00:12+05:30",

User Dropped Webhook Version: (2022-09-01)

The User Dropped Webhook notifies you when customers drop out of the payment flow without completing the transaction. It will help you understand if customers attempted to pay or not.

Some common scenarios where the transaction will be marked as USER_DROPPED are:

  • Android UPI Intent Payments - when a user clicks on the back button in the UPI app without making any payment attempt.
  • Card Payments - when a user drops out of the payment flow by closing the OTP verification page.
  • UPI Collect Transactions - when a user does not enter the UPI PIN and closes the transaction screen
    "data": {
        "order": {
            "order_id": "testspos83",
            "order_amount": 1.00,
            "order_currency": "INR",
            "order_tags": null
        "payment": {
            "cf_payment_id": 2150264295,
            "payment_status": "USER_DROPPED",
            "payment_amount": 1.00,
            "payment_currency": "INR",
            "payment_message": null,
            "payment_time": "2023-11-03T12:37:32+05:30",
            "bank_reference": null,
            "auth_id": null,
            "payment_method": {
                "upi": {
                    "channel": null,
                    "upi_id": "testsuccess@gocash"
            "payment_group": "upi"
        "customer_details": {
            "customer_name": "johndoe",
            "customer_id": "9112",
            "customer_email": "[johndoe@cashfree.com]()",
            "customer_phone": "9876543210"
        "payment_gateway_details": {
            "gateway_name": null,
            "gateway_order_id": null,
            "gateway_payment_id": null,
            "gateway_status_code": null,
            "gateway_settlement": null
        "payment_offers": null,
        "terminal_details": {
            "cf_terminal_id": 20532321,
            "terminal_phone": "9876543210"
    "event_time": "2023-11-03T12:37:44+05:30",

Refund Webhook Version: (2022-09-01)

Refund webhooks can be configured to receive automated notifications for refunds when either they are successfully processed or are cancelled. Merchants can build their own downstream systems like auto-updating their refund status, and sending a communication to customers by consuming refund webhooks.

The webhook notification will be sent on all the URLs added and enabled under the refund webhook. Merchants can add new URLs and enable or disable existing URLs for refund webhook at any point in time and it will be reflected instantaneously.

Sample Payload

 "data": {
    "refund": {
        "cf_refund_id": 11325632,
        "cf_payment_id": 789727431,
        "refund_id": "refund_sampleorder0413",
        "order_id": "sampleorder0413",
        "refund_amount": 2.00,
        "refund_currency": "INR",
        "entity": "Refund",
        "refund_type": "MERCHANT_INITIATED",
        "refund_arn": "205907014017",
        "refund_status": "SUCCESS",
        "status_description": "Refund processed successfully",
        "created_at": "2022-02-28T12:54:25+05:30",
        "processed_at": "2022-02-28T13:04:27+05:30",
        "refund_charge": 0,
        "refund_note": "Test",
        "refund_splits": [  
                "merchantVendorId": "sampleID12345",  
                "amount": 1,  
                "percentage": null  
                "merchantVendorId": "otherVendor",  
                "amount": 1,  
                "percentage": null  
        "metadata": null,
        "refund_mode": "STANDARD",
        "terminal_details": {
            "cf_terminal_id": 911876,
            "terminal_phone": "9876543210"
"event_time": "2022-02-28T13:04:28+05:30",

Payload Field Description

cf_refund_idCashfree Payments ID for a refund.11325632
cf_payment_idCashfree Payments ID of the payment for which refund is initiated.789727431
cf_terminal_idCashfree Payments Terminal ID of the payment for which refund is initiated.21345
terminal_phoneThe phone number of the corresponding terminal.9876543212
refund_idMerchant’s refund ID of the refundrefund_sampleorder0413
order_idMerchant’s order Id of the order for which refund is initiated.sampleorder0413
refund_amountAmount that was refunded2.00
refund_currencyCurrency of the refund amount.INR
entityType of object (refund always)Refund
refund_typeType of refund (for webhook it will always be MERCHANT_INITIATED)MERCHANT_INITIATED
refund_arnThe bank reference number for refund205907014017
refund_statusStatus of the refund (either SUCCESS or CANCELLED in refund webhook)SUCCESS
status_descriptionDescription of refund statusRefund processed successfully
created_atTime of refund creation2022-02-28T12:54:25+05:30
processed_atTime when refund was processed successfully2022-02-28T13:04:27+05:30
refund_chargeCharges in INR for processing refund0
refund_noteNote added by merchant for the refundCancelled Order
refund_splitsRefund split details[]
metadataAdditional refund metadatanull
refund_modeMethod or speed of processing refund (INSTANT or STANDARD)STANDARD
event_timeTime at which refund webhook was initiated.2022-02-28T13:04:28+05:30

Auto Refund Webhook Version: (2022-09-01)

Auto-refund webhooks can be configured to receive automated notifications when auto-refunds are initiated, processed and delayed. Auto-refunds are refunds triggered automatically for unsuccessful payments, disputes, duplicate payments; or instances where payments are received directly to your VPA, regardless of whether an order has been generated.

Webhook notifications are sent to every URL added and enabled under Auto-refund Webhooks. Merchants can add new URLs and enable or disable existing ones for auto-refund webhooks at any point in time. The changes are reflected instantaneously.

Sample Payload

Auto-Refund Webhook Sample Payload
    "data": {
        "auto_refund": {
            "event": "AUTO-REFUND",
            "cf_refund_id": 1243460973,
            "cf_payment_id": "2148333968",
            "bank_reference": "234928698581",
            "order_id": "order_1944392Tpba8y2fHcHVx0SwREojp51Jgr",
            "refund_amount": 39,
            "refund_currency": "INR",
            "refund_type": "PAYMENT_AUTO_REFUND",
            "refund_arn": "205907014017",
            "refund_status": "SUCCESS",
            "status_description": "Auto-Refund processed successfully",
            "refund_reason": "Multiple payments were performed against same order.",
            "created_at": "2023-08-11T14:08:28+05:30",
            "processed_at": null,
            "refund_charge": 0,
            "refund_splits": null,
            "metadata": null
        "terminal_details": {
            "cf_terminal_id": 989876,
            "terminal_phone": "9773769999"
    "event_time": "2023-08-11T14:10:21+05:30",

Find the description for each field of the payload below:

cf_refund_idIt represents the ID created by Cashfree Payments to identify the refund.1243460973
cf_payment_idIt represents the ID created by Cashfree Payments to identify the payment for the initiated refund.2148333968
cf_terminal_idCashfree Payments Terminal ID of the payment for which refund is initiated.21345
terminal_phoneThe phone number of the corresponding terminal.9876543212
order_idIt represents the ID created by you to identify the order for which the refund is initiated.sampleorder0413
bank_referenceIt represents the bank reference number for the transaction.234928698581
refund_currencyIt represents the currency of the refund amount.INR
refund_amountIt represents the refunded amount.2
refund_typeIt represents the refund type. The value will always be PAYMENT_AUTO_REFUND.PAYMENT_AUTO_REFUND
refund_arnIt represents the bank reference number for the refund.205907014017
refund_statusIt represents the status of the refund (either SUCCESS or INITIATED).SUCCESS
status_descriptionIt represents the description of the refund status.
(Two possible values:
Auto-Refund initiated successfully or
Auto-Refund processed successfully).
Auto-Refund initiated successfully
created_atIt represents the time of auto-refund creation.2022-02-28T12:54:25+05:30
processed_atIt represents when the auto-refund was processed successfully.2022-02-28T13:04:27+05:30
refund_reasonIt represents the reason of initiation of Auto-refund.
(Possible values:
Credit was received for an incomplete payment.
Refunded to customer for Dispute.
Payment made directly to your VPA without order creation.
Multiple payments were performed against same order.
Payment details (amount, bank, etc.) do not match with created order or the payment was made after TTL.)
Multiple payments were performed against same order
refund_chargeIt represents the charges for processing refund in INR.0
refund_splitsIt represents the refund split details.[]
metadataIt represents the additional metadata.null
event_timeIt represents when the refund webhook was initiated.2022-02-28T13:04:28+05:30
typeIt represents the webhook type. The value will always be AUTO_REFUND_STATUS_WEBHOOK.AUTO_REFUND_STATUS_WEBHOOK

Dispute Webhooks Version: (2022-09-01)

Dispute webhooks can be configured to receive automated notifications when disputes are created, updated and closed.

The webhook notification will be sent on all the URLs added and enabled under the dispute webhook. Merchants can add new URLs and enable or disable existing URLs for refund webhook at any point in time and it will be reflected instantaneously.

DISPUTE_CREATEDDispute_created webhook will be triggered when a new dispute is created.
DISPUTE_UPDATEDDispute_updated webhook will be triggered when a dispute is updated, for example when a comment is added by the Cashfree team, when the dispute moves into further stages like Pre-arbitration, Arbitration, or when the status of the dispute changes.
DISPUTE_CLOSEDThis webhook will be triggered when a dispute is closed.

Dispute Created

Sample Payload

    "data": {
        "dispute": {
            "dispute_id": "433475258",
            "dispute_type": "DISPUTE",
            "reason_code": "1402",
            "reason_description": "Duplicate Processing",
            "dispute_amount": 3,
            "created_at": "2023-06-15T21:49:48+05:30",
            "updated_at": "2023-06-15T21:49:48+05:30",
            "respond_by": "2023-06-18T23:59:59+05:30",
            "dispute_status": "DISPUTE_CREATED",
            "cf_dispute_remarks": "Dispute is created, please take action",
            "dispute_action_on": "MERCHANT"
        "order_details": {
            "order_id": "order_1944392DR1kMTFYdIf8bI2awAcC3i9FTa",
            "order_amount": 3,
            "order_currency": "INR",
            "cf_payment_id": 885473311,
            "payment_amount": 3,
            "payment_currency": "INR"
        "customer_details": {
            "customer_name": "Dileep Kumar s",
            "customer_phone": "8000000000",
            "customer_email": "dileep@gmail.com"
        "terminal_details": {
            "cf_terminal_id": 989876,
            "terminal_phone": "9876543212"
    "event_time": "2023-06-15T21: 50: 04+05: 30",
    "type": "DISPUTE_CREATED"

Dispute Updated

Sample Payload

    "data": {
        "dispute": {
            "dispute_id": "433475257",
            "dispute_type": "PRE_ARBITRATION",
            "reason_code": "13.1",
            "reason_description": "Merchandise / Services Not Received",
            "dispute_amount": 40000,
            "created_at": "2023-06-15T21:16:03+05:30",
            "updated_at": "2023-06-15T21:19:15+05:30",
            "respond_by": "2023-06-19T23:59:59+05:30",
            "dispute_status": "PRE_ARBITRATION_CREATED",
            "cf_dispute_remarks": "Pre Arbitration request has been raised for this case.\\nTarget Date :: 2023-06-18T00:00 -> 2023-06-19T23:59:59.",
            "dispute_update": "TYPE_UPDATE",
            "dispute_action_on": "MERCHANT"
        "order_details": {
            "order_id": "order_1944392D4jHtCeVPPdTXkaUwg5cfnujQe",
            "order_amount": 40000,
            "order_currency": "INR",
            "cf_payment_id": 885457437,
            "payment_amount": 40000,
            "payment_currency": "INR"
        "customer_details": {
            "customer_name": "Dileep Kumar s",
            "customer_phone": "8000000000",
            "customer_email": "dileep@gmail.com"
        "terminal_details": {
            "cf_terminal_id": 989876,
            "terminal_phone": "9876543212"
    "event_time": "2023-06-15T21:20:24+05:30",
    "type": "DISPUTE_UPDATED"

Dispute Closed

Sample Payload

    "data": {
        "dispute": {
            "dispute_id": "433475257",
            "dispute_type": "CHARGEBACK",
            "reason_code": "4855",
            "reason_description": "Goods or Services Not Provided",
            "dispute_amount": 4500,
            "created_at": "2023-06-15T21:16:03+05:30",
            "updated_at": "2023-06-15T21:16:51+05:30",
            "respond_by": "2023-06-18T00:00:00+05:30",
            "resolved_at": "2023-06-15T21:16:51.682836678+05:30",
            "dispute_status": "CHARGEBACK_MERCHANT_WON",
            "cf_dispute_remarks": "Chargeback won by merchant"
        "order_details": {
            "order_id": "order_1944392D4jHtCeVPPdTXkaUwg5cfnujQe",
            "order_amount": 4500,
            "order_currency": "INR",
            "cf_payment_id": 885457437,
            "payment_amount": 4500,
            "payment_currency": "INR"
        "customer_details": {
            "customer_name": "Dileep Kumar s",
            "customer_phone": "8000000000",
            "customer_email": "dileep@gmail.com"
        "terminal_details": {
            "cf_terminal_id": 989876,
            "terminal_phone": "9876543212"
    "event_time": "2023-06-15T21:17:14+05:30",
    "type": "DISPUTE_CLOSED"

Payload Field Description

dispute_idCashfree’s unique ID to identify a dispute.433475257Long
dispute_typeType of dispute created. Possible values:

cf_terminal_idCashfree Payments Terminal ID of the payment for which refund is initiated.989876Long
terminal_phoneThe phone number of the corresponding terminal.9876543212String
reason_codeCondition for which the customer is filing the case. Click here to know more about dispute reason codes.13.6String
reason_descriptionDescription of the reason code. Codes for Chargeback cases are specified by Card networks/NPCI.Credit not processedString
dispute_amountThe amount for which the dispute has been created.4500BigDecimal
created_atTime on which the dispute was registered on Cashfree’s system.2023-06-15T21:16:03+05:30LocalDateTime
updated_atTime on which the dispute was updated.2023-06-15T21:16:51+05:30LocalDateTime
respond_byTime by which the merchant is expected to respond to the dispute.2023-06-18T00:00:00+05:30LocalDateTime
dispute_statusStatus of Dispute. All possible values are listed in the table below.CHARGEBACK_CREATEDString
cf_dispute_remarksAny remarks specified by Cashfree on the dispute.Please submit documents.String
dispute_updateSpecifies what has been updated on the dispute. Possible Values:

dispute_action_onSpecifies whether the action is on Cashfree or Merchant at a time.
Possible Values:

resolved_atTime on which the dispute was resolved/closed.2023-06-15T21:16:51.682836678+05:30LocalDateTime
event_timeTime at which dispute webhook was initiated.2023-06-15T21:16:51+05:30LocalDateTime
typeType of webhook. Possible Values: