Cashfree Payments receives RBI's PA-CB license, enabling comprehensive cross-border payment solutions.Learn more

Verification Suite for Businesses

PAN Verification

Verify identity of an individual or business in real-time. Start free trial and do PAN verifications for free with credits worth ₹100/-


Did you Know?

Under Section 272B of the Income Tax Act 1961, the Income Tax department can impose a penalty of ₹10,000 if anyone is found to have given an incorrect PAN number.

Save your business from penalties by verifying the PAN details of your vendors and users with the help of PAN Verification by Cashfree Payments!

Instant PAN Verification

With Cashfree Payments, verify if the PAN is valid, identify the registered name of the card holder along with the nature of the card holder - individual or business.

Onboard users and partners with KYC in real-time and ensure payments are going to intended beneficiaries only.

Right from updated PAN database

Right from updated PAN database

Check PAN validity and PAN holder details against the latest updated PAN database, and know the status as Valid or Invalid in real-time, 24x7.

Know the nature of card holder

Know the nature of card holder

Just enter PAN and know the nature of card holder - Individual, HUF, Company, Firm, Partnership, Trust, Society, Business, Government, etc.

Bulk PAN verification

Bulk PAN verification

Do a single PAN verification or 10,000+ PAN verifications in one go, via simple excel upload or APIs.

Inbuilt approval flow and beneficiary name verification

Inbuilt approval flow and beneficiary name verification

Assign maker and checker role to reduce human errors and match PAN card holder name with updated PAN records for higher accuracy.

Who can use PAN Verification by Cashfree Payments

Lending platforms

Lending platforms

Payments and fintech companies

Payments and fintech companies

Insurance providers

Insurance providers

Large corporations with 1000+ headcount

Large corporations with 1000+ headcount

Securities and equity investment platforms

Securities and equity investment platforms



Business and Individual Tax filing platforms

Business and Individual Tax filing platforms

Wallet service providers

Wallet service providers

Recruitment and Identification Verification companies

Recruitment and Identification Verification companies

Simple integration

PAN card verification API

    Integrate powerful PAN card Verification API with your product using only a few lines of code and automate the onboarding process, ensuring payouts to intended beneficiaries with Cashfree Payments.

  • Highly reliable and secure APIs

  • Use the official Cashfree Payments libraries for different programming languages to integrate with your product and automate PAN verification flow

  • With webhooks, get notified on single or bulk PAN verification status in real-time

View API documentation

curl --location --request POST ' ' \

--header 'x-client-id;'\

--header 'x-client-id;'\

--header 'x-client-id;'\

--header 'content-type : application/json'\

--data-row '{

   "bulk_verification_id": "dfs2f3sad2a231sd21sa12",



"name": "test",

"pan": "CDEPJ2456D"




'name : Test, (optional)'

'pan : CDEPJ2456D'

'pan : ABCPV1234D'

'type : Individual'

'reference_id : 161'

'name_provided : JOHN DOE'

'registered_name : JOHN DOE'

'valid : '

'message : PAN verified successfully'

'name_match_score : 100.00'

'name_match_result : DIRECT_MATCH'

'aadhaar_seeding_status : Y'

'last_updated_at : 01/01/2019'

'name_pan_card : JOHN DOE'

'pan_status : VALID'

'aadhaar_seeding_status_desc : Aadhaar is linked to PAN'

No code solutions

  • Do single PAN verification or do upto 10,000 PAN verification using simple excel upload.

  • Just enter the PAN number and get an instant response.

Complete Identity Suite

Activate PAN Verification along with our complete Identity Suite to ensure all your transactions are verified and risk-free!

Verify beneficiary accounts for 600+ banks including public, private, rural, and cooperative banks

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Enter UPI ID and know if it exists. You will receive a customer name at the bank in the response for valid UPIs.

Learn more

Check against the most exhaustive list of IFSC codes updated weekly.

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Instantly verify the users’ PII data like PAN, Aadhaar, bank account, UPI IDs when they sign up on your app.[Recommended for app based solutions]

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Have more questions?

Visit our support page

Check Identity Suite

complete identity suit

Simple integration

Here is how Businesses are using Identity APIs by Cashfree Payments


Seamless delivery partner onboarding for ZomatoZomato ensures quick and correct onboarding of riders using Cashfree Payments’ API.


Instant verification of money exchangers for BookmyforexThe foreign currency exchange platform uses Cashfree Payments for instant bank verification of money exchangers. As a platform facilitating 1600 crores+ currency exchange transactions, accuracy and speed while verifying accounts is a business prerequisite.


No cheque bank a/c verification for ZilraCross-border payments processor Zilra needs no scanned copies of cancelled cheques anymore. It now uses Cashfree Payments to verify the account details in a paperless manner for onboarding freelancer partners.

Industry leading solution with more than 99.5% success rate

Start Free Trial
Do free PAN verification with free credits worth ₹100/-

PAN verification

Verify the identity of an individual or business, instantly.

Start Free Trial

Custom pricing designed for enterprises

  • Early access to new features
  • Dedicated account manager
  • Discounted pricing
  • Support over WhatsApp in addition to other channels

If you are a financial service business or want to enable PAN Verification into your product flow, contact us to get custom pricing

Contact Sales
Frequently Asked Questions

PAN verification enables merchants to verify their users’ PAN card details, get the status of the PAN card, and check whether it belongs to a business or an individual.

The PAN verification feature can be used to identify the person/businesses during onboarding as well as before initiating the transaction. Businesses can use it for various purposes, such as:

  • Onboarding vendors
  • Onboarding employees
  • Transferring funds or process payments
  • KYC verification

Following business categories can use PAN verification to speed up their onboarding and payment process.

  • Lending platforms
  • Insurance providers and platforms
  • Investment portals
  • Wallets
  • EMI/installments providers
  • Any form of credit providers
  • Large corporations for onboarding employees
  • Payments and fintech companies

Yes, please get in touch with our sales team to get custom pricing as per your needs.

There is an option to pay either way - before or after completing your PAN verification.

Yes, the following documents are required to activate the PAN Verification

  • Business proof (mandatory)
  • Company PAN (mandatory)
  • The latest bank statement (optional)
  • Authorised signatory (ID and Address proof) (optional)

You can just enter your PAN number and get the response.

Yes Cashfree Payments offer OCR enabled PAN verification. If you got a physical or scanned copy of PAN you can upload it using the dashboard or use API to verify PAN information quickly.Upload the scanned copy of the PAN card.Supported file type: .jpeg,.jpg,.png.Visit

No, to verify a PAN, it is mandatory to enter the PAN number.

PAN verification solution will return whether the PAN is valid or not along with the following details (if valid):

  • PAN number
  • Name provided
  • Verification ID
  • PAN type
  • Name registered

Using Cashfree Payments,a merchant can do single verification or bulk verification.

Single Verification: Manually input the PAN number and get all the details like Name registered, Date of birth or date of issue, PAN type, etc.

Bulk Verification: Verify upto 10,000 pans via Excel upload or API.

Yes, you can verify upto 10,000 PANs via excel upload or use API.

No, there is no limit to the number of PAN cards that can be verified in a day.

Have more questions?

Visit our support page
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Ready to get started?

Collect customer payments, make payouts, manage international payments and so much more. Create your account or contact our experts to explore custom solutions.

  • Easy onboarding

  • Dedicated account manager

  • API access

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