General documents required for the representation of disputes

Document NameDescription
Delivery/Service ProofProof that the cardholder/customer did in fact receive the goods or services, such as signed delivery confirmation.
Shipping ProofProof that the address was validated via authorisation and that the goods were shipped to that address.
Statement of ServiceAccount statement of wallet where funds were loaded by the customer.
Proof of Service UsedCustomer acknowledgement of services used in case of a recurring transaction.
Cancellation of Service ProofDocument to support you were able to provide merchandise or service and that the cardholder/customer cancelled prior to the delivery date.
Refund ProofRefund details to the customer if done via any other mode.
Business model explanationGeneric letter elaborating how your business operates once a payment is made by the customer.
Extra Charges DeclarationTerms and conditions stating customer would be accounted for extra charges.
Terms & ConditionsTerms and conditions elaborating your refund/cancellation policies.
Customer Withdrawal LetterProof stating that the cardholder/customer no longer Disputes the transaction, or the issue was resolved with the customer.
Certificate of AuthenticityOriginal purchase receipts issued by the manufacturer that shows the products you’ve sold are genuine.
Reseller AgreementA legal document that authorises you to sell the manufacturer’s products.

Dispute reason codes and their categories

VISA Reason Codes

Reason CodeDescriptionExternal Category
10.1EMV Liability Shift Counterfeit FraudFraud
10.2EMV Liability Shift Non-Counterfeit FraudFraud
10.3Other Fraud: Card-Present EnvironmentFraud
10.4Other Fraud: Card-Absent EnvironmentFraud
10.5Visa Fraud Monitoring ProgramFraud
11.1Card Recovery BulletinAuthorisation
11.2Declined AuthorisationAuthorisation
11.3No AuthorisationAuthorisation
12.1Late PresentmentProcessing Errors
12.2Incorrect Transaction CodeProcessing Errors
12.3Incorrect CurrencyProcessing Errors
12.4Incorrect Account NumberProcessing Errors
12.5Incorrect AmountProcessing Errors
12.6Duplicate Processing/Paid by Other MeansProcessing Errors
12.7Invalid DataProcessing Errors
13.1Merchandise / Services Not ReceivedConsumer Disputes
13.2Cancelled Recurring TransactionConsumer Disputes
13.3Not as Described or Defective Merchandise / ServicesConsumer Disputes
13.4Counterfeit MerchandiseConsumer Disputes
13.5MisrepresentationConsumer Disputes
13.6Credit Not ProcessedConsumer Disputes
13.7Canceled Merchandise / ServicesConsumer Disputes
13.8Original Credit Transaction Not AcceptedConsumer Disputes
13.9Non-Receipt of Cash or Load Transaction ValueConsumer Disputes


Reason CodeDescriptionExternal Category
4808Authorization Related ChargebackAuthorisation
4834Point of Interaction ErrorPoint of Interaction Error
4837No Cardholder AuthorizationNo Cardholder Authorisation/ Fraud
4840Fraudulent Processing of TransactionsNo Cardholder Authorisation/ Fraud
4849Questionable Merchant ActivityNo Cardholder Authorisation/ Fraud
4850Installment Billing DisputeInstallment Billing Dispute
4853Cardholder DisputesCardholder Disputes
4854Cardholder Dispute Not Classified Elsewhere (US)Cardholder Dispute Not Classified Elsewhere
4855Goods or Services Not ProvidedCardholder Disputes
4860Credit not processedCardholder Disputes
4870Chip Liability ShiftNo Cardholder Authorisation/ Fraud
4871Chip / PIN Liability Shift—Lost / Stolen / Never Received Issue (NRI) FraudNo Cardholder Authorisation/ Fraud

AMEX Reason Codes

Reason CodeDescriptionExternal Category
4507Incorrect Charge Amount/ Currency DiscrepancyProcessing Errors
4512Duplicate ChargeProcessing Errors
4513Credit not processed / No ShowCardmember Dispute
4516No ReplyInquiry / Miscellaneous R03
4521Charge Amount Exceeds Authorisation Amount/No valid AuthorisationInsufficient Reply
4523Unassigned Card NumberAuthorisation
4533Goods / Services Not as Described / Damaged / DefectiveProcessing Errors
4534Missing SignatureCardmember Dispute
4536Late SubmissionFraud
4540Card Not PresentProcessing Errors
4544Cancelled Recurring BillingFraud
4554Goods / Services Not Received or Only Partially Received C14 Paid by Other MeansCardmember Dispute
4750Vehicle Rental - Capital DamagesCardmember Dispute
4752Credit Processed as ChargeProcessing Errors
4755No Cardmember AuthorisationFraud
4763Fraud Full Recourse ProgramFraud
4798EMV CounterfeitFraud
4799EMV List / Stolen / Non-ReceivedFraud

DINERS Reason Codes

Reason CodeDescriptionExternal Category
A02Authorization Processing ErrorsProcessing Errors
A06Unissued Account NumberAuthorization
B24Late PresentationProcessing Errors
B25Duplicate ChargeProcessing Errors
B26Alternate Settlement Currency Incorrect Exchange RatesProcessing Errors
B27Incorrect CurrencyProcessing Errors
C41Fraud - Card Present TransactionFraud
C42Fraud - Card Not Present TransactionFraud
C46Multiple Charges at Service Establishment Fraudulent TransactionFraud
C53Fraud – Chip Card Counterfeit TransactionFraud
C54Fraud – Lost or Stolen Chip and PIN Card TransactionFraud
D61Altered AmountProcessing Errors
D62Non-Receipt of Goods or ServicesConsumer disputes
D66Credit not ProcessedConsumer disputes
D67Cardmember Paid by Other MeansProcessing Errors
D69Cancelled Recurring TransactionsConsumer disputes
D70Cardmember Does Not RecognizeConsumer disputes

DISCOVER Reason Codes

Reason CodeDescriptionExternal Category
4534Duplicate ProcessingProcessing Error
4541Recurring PaymentConsumer Disputes
4542Late PresentationProcessing Error
4550Credit/ Debit Posted IncorrectlyProcessing Error
4553Cardholder Disputes Quality of Goods or ServicesConsumer Disputes
4586Altered AmountProcessing Error
4865Paid by Other MeansProcessing Error
4752Does not RecognizeConsumer Disputes
4753Invalid Cardholder NumberAuthorization
4755Non-Receipt of Goods or ServicesFraud
4866Fraud Chip Card Counterfeit TransactionFraud
4867Fraud Chip Card and PIN TransactionFraud
7010Fraud Card Present TransactionFraud
7030Fraud Card Not Present TransactionFraud
8002Credit Not ProcessedConsumer Disputes

RUPAY Reason Codes

Reason CodeDescriptionExternal Category
108The remitter account is debited but the beneficiary account was not creditedChargeback Raise
109The remitter bank customer still disputes that the beneficiary account is not creditedPre-arbitration Raise
121TCC has been raised but the customer still complaining that Beneficiary a/c is not creditedDeferred Chargeback Raise
128Chargeback on Fraudulent TransactionFraud Chargeback Raise
1061Credit not processed for cancelled or returned goods and servicesChargeback Raise
1062Goods and Services not as described / defectiveChargeback Raise
1063Paid by alternate meansChargeback Raise
1064Goods or Services Not Provided / Not ReceivedChargeback Raise
1065Account debited but transaction confirmation not received at the merchant locationChargeback Raise
1081Transaction not steeled within the specified timeframesChargeback Raise
1084Duplicate /Multiple TransactionChargeback Raise
1085Cardholder was charged more than the transaction amountChargeback Raise
1097The customer is still claiming that services are not deliveredPre-arbitration Raise

UPI Reason Codes

Reason CodeDescriptionExternal Category
1061Credit not processed for cancelled or returned goods and servicesChargeback Raise
1062Goods and Services not as described / defectiveChargeback Raise
1063Paid by alternate meansChargeback Raise
1064Goods or Services Not Provided / Not ReceivedChargeback Raise
1065Account debited but transaction confirmation not received at the merchant locationChargeback Raise
1081Transaction not steeled within the specified timeframesChargeback Raise
1084Duplicate /Multiple TransactionChargeback Raise
1085Cardholder was charged more than the transaction amountChargeback Raise
1097The customer is still claiming that services are not deliveredPre-arbitration Raise

Cashfree Payments Internal Reason Codes

Reason CodeDescriptionExternal Category
1401Fraud TransactionFraud
1402Duplicate ProcessingProcessing Error
1403Services Not RenderedCustomer Dispute
1404End Customer EscalationCustomer Dispute
1405Suspicious TransactionFraud