For all transactions, use the following test bank, card, UPI, and wallet numbers to trigger all validations and transfers for Payouts and Cashgram. Add these details while adding the beneficiary, and mock the transfer responses to the provided results.

Please note that transfers to any other details other than the ones mentioned below fail. Test mode payouts and validations simulate a live payout but don’t get processed with the bank.

All different modes and validation for the TEST and PROD environment have to be enabled by Cashfree before the attempt. Reach out to us at

Test Account Details

The SMS notification service is unavailable on the TEST environment, and the OTP is standard across all OTP requests. It is 111000.

Bank Numbers

For banks, the primary parameters for transfer would be the bank account and IFSC number included while adding the beneficiary. Use these test bank numbers to test payouts to a card. Utilized only with test API keys.

Account NumberIFSCRemarks
2640101002729CNRR0002640Failure – Invaid IFSC code
026291800001190YESB0000262Failure – Invalid Account number
00224412311300YESB0000001Pending (later to Success)
7766666351000YESB0000001Pending (later to Failure)
02014457596969CITI0000001Success (later to Reversed)
34978321547298KKBK0000001Timeout - 100s (later to Success) Test with a timeout of 30s and 100s (gateway timeout)

Card Numbers

For cards, the primary parameter for transfer would be the card number included while adding the beneficiary. Use these test card numbers to test payouts to a card. Utilized only with test API keys.

Card NumberRemarks
4434260000000000Successful card transfer
4434260000000001Failed card transfer


For wallets, the primary parameter for transfer would be the phone number included while adding the beneficiary. Use these wallet numbers to test payouts to a wallet. Utilized only with test API keys.

Phone NumbersRemarks
9999999999Paytm successful wallet transfer
8888888888Paytm successful wallet transfer
7777777777AmazonPay successful wallet transfer
6666666666AmazonPay successful wallet transfer

UPI Numbers

For UPI, the primary parameter for transfer would be the UPI VPA included while adding the beneficiary. Use these UPI VPA to test payouts to an account. Utilized only with test API keys.

success@upiSuccessful UPI transfer
failure@upiFailed UPI transfer

While in TEST mode, as long as valid external bank information and other relevant conditions get covered, it never requires real identity verification or other interactive steps that are part of the custom account workflow. We also provide a robust postman collection to help test and get started.

The security is on the Bearer token approach, and everything is on https. Also, as another security feature, we accept requests only from whitelisted servers. However, in cases of elastic load balancers, static IPs are not an option. We support dynamic IPs architecture through a public key encryption method.