Use this checklist to ensure a smooth transition from TEST to LIVE environment.

Once you complete testing Cashfree’s payouts integration in the TEST environment, you can follow the following steps to go-live:

  • Use your production credentials
    Your TEST credentials vary from your PROD credentials. You can get your PROD credentials from your production dashboard.

  • Use production host URL
    Please ensure that you change your endpoint to hit Cashfree’s production server. Cashfree’s production endpoint is

  • Whitelist your IP
    Your IP has to be whitelisted to communicate with Cashfree. Check how to whitelist your static IP.

  • Add production webhook endpoint
    Webhooks are server to server communications that Cashfree uses to communicate securely with you.

  • Do not go-live without signature verification if you are using webhooks
    To ensure you are processing only Cashfree’s webhook requests, verify the signature which you receive along with the data.