Error Handling
When integrating with Cashfree, you may have to handle errors while making API requests. Calling the APIs ensures an operation occurs on Cashfree’s server. Errors are displayed when the request operation fails.
Every API call returns a status field describing if the call was successfully processed or not. The status field has two values SUCCESS and ERROR. Checking this field after every call can ensure whether the API call was successful or not.
Every failed response from Cashfree’s server has an error sub-code and a corresponding error message. The sub-code reflects the nature of the error that occurred. Check the list of sub-codes here.
We recommended you scan error sub-codes and not error messages.
If you are using Cashfree libraries, error responses result in an exception which you must handle in your integration.
All sub-codes are standard HTTP status codes-the below ones used in this API.
4XX - Error occurred in the client’s part
5XX - Error occurred in the server’s part
Sub-code and Description
400 - Bad Request
401 - Authentication Failure
403 - Forbidden
404 - Entity does not exist
405 - Method does not exist
409 - Resource conflict. Resource might already exist
412 - Precondition failed.
413 - Request Entity too large to be processed
422 - Input not in an expected format
429 - Too many error requests
500 - Internal Server Error
503 - Service Unavailable
520 - Unknown error
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